Pathway of Remembrance

After years of service, the sidewalk leading from Second Street to Trinity’s parish house, needs replacing. In response to this need, the vestry decided to create a Pathway of Remembrance. This special pathway will replace the existing sidewalk with bricks dedicated to those we wish to remember and honor. In years to come, you will be able to bring your children and grandchildren to the Pathway of Remembrance to see the names of your family and friends. You may purchase a brick for yourself or someone else. Bricks may be dedicated to the memory or honor of a special loved one or to a special occasion, such as a baptism, confirmation, or wedding. Parishioners present and past, as well as friends of the church, are able to purchase bricks for $75 each. Proceeds from the sales will go to fund the pathway, with any remaining money going to the general budget. Final approval of dedications rests with the brick committee.

If you prefer to pay by check, please use the following Order Form

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$75 - 4x8 Brick Text Only
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Trinity Episcopal Church reserves the right of refusal of any order found to be inappropriate or in violation of Trinity Episcopal Church directives or guidelines.