Leave a Lasting Impression at Oak Hill

We invite you to leave a lasting impression at Oak Hill by purchasing a Commemorative Brick. These personalized bricks offer a unique and lasting way to memorialize or honor a loved one, celebrate milestones such as: graduations, anniversaries or birthdays, promote your business or show your deepest appreciation to an Oak Hill staff member.

The Commemorative Brick Garden, located around the flag pole at the front of the main building on our Hartford Campus, will serve as a permanent reminder that we all deserve the opportunity to live, learn and grow to our fullest potential.

Bricks are available in two sizes: 4” x 8”, three lines, 20 characters per line for $100. Or in 8” x 8”, six lines, 20 characters per line for $200.

Bricks ordered by September 8, 2017 will be installed in the fall of 2017; any brick orders received after that date will be installed the spring 2018.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Eloise Mongillo at 860.769.3854 or eloise.mongillo@OakHillCT.org.




Thank you for your continued support to Oak Hill

All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
4x8 $100.00
3 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

If you would like more than one order with the same verbiage, simply click on the add to cart button multiple times. If you would like to place a separate order, clear text, add new verbiage and click add to cart button.

All text is case sensitive and centered automatically on your order. Please use the spaces provided below for your message and note that characters include letters, numbers, spaces and punctuation.
8x8 - $200.00
6 lines of text, 20 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3
Line 4

Line 5

Line 6

If you would like more than one order with the same verbiage, simply click on the add to cart button multiple times. If you would like to place a separate order, clear text, add new verbiage and click add to cart button.

If you do not want to purchase a brick but still want to donate Oak Hill, you can do it here. Please clear box and enter dollar amount without the dollar sign.

Oak Hill reserves the right of refusal of any order found to be inappropriate or in violation of Oak Hill, directives or guidelines.